Why Don't We Have National Healthcare?
LPASC: In The Greenville News, one of the stories on the front page today was that 1.3 million people, most of them in the South, lost their health insurance, either from losing their job, or their employer has dropped coverage because of increasing health costs.So what are the alternatives when your employer tells you that they can no longer afford the premiums on your healthcare? How expensive is it to cover yourself and your family if you lose your health insurance at work? Plenty expensive. It is so expensive, that most people can’t afford it. They can’t afford to get sick either.
Why hasn’t the government done something about the spiraling cost of healthcare in the United States? There are a few answers to this question, all of them you won’t really like. The first answer is that both the Republicans and Democrats are bankrolled by the American Medical Association, The Pharmaceutical companies, and other medical special interest groups. National healthcare would be really bad for business. Besides the medical establishment, lawyers that make a living from medical malpractice suits would be hard pressed to support a National Healthcare System where lawsuits wouldn’t run rampant. There are so many groups that donate to your so-called “representatives” in Washington, that until this country has true campaign reform, you will NEVER see a program of National Healthcare.
The political parties (both of them) cover this topic with smoke and mirrors so that their true bosses can keep benefiting from our medical care system as it is. The politicians tell us that it will raise our taxes and put another cog in the wheel of “big government”. Don’t believe it for a minute. Actually, the taxes that we pay in our property taxes would really go down. Built into all property tax, is health care that the local governments must pay for hospitals that accept indigent people. The county or parish that you live in, pays this money to healthcare providers from your property taxes, and that is coming from your pocket. Drug costs would also lower as the government started negotiating for a good price that they would pay for buying in bulk as the main healthcare provider. This is how it is done in most other industrial nations. The premise behind it, is that the premiums that people pay, offset the actual cost of providing the medical care, much like insurance companies operate today. The government could do much better than the insurance companies, because healthcare costs would actually come down as the government becomes the main provider. The medical lobbies don’t like this idea, and they make sure that your congressman is well paid for not providing medical insurance to Americans. Do you want to know how much they pay you government representatives? Go to opensecrets.org and find out for yourselves.
I tell everyone what’s going on, so that people that read these articles can join with The Liberal Party of America and tell the Congress that we are sick and tired of the status quo. Write you representatives and tell them that you want a system of National Healthcare like other industrial nations have. Tell them that you want your family members to be able to see a doctor when they are sick or they need a check-up. Health care should not be just for the wealthy. Just because some people aren’t rich, doesn’t mean that they don’t work hard for their money! Unless you demand that they do something to provide health care to everyone, they will not do it! Did you know that Cuba of all places has one of the best healthcare systems in the world? How come the Cuban people have what our government can’t provide for us? It's because your government is run by corporate and special interest groups. If the medical profession could make more money by the government providing health care, you can bet we would have it! Don’t be fooled by these politicians. Tell them you know what’s going on, and join The Liberal Party of America. Another thing I want to tell you is that I don't make this stuff up.
Why havn't I heard this before? If this were true everybody would be angry with the republicans and the democrats. Where do you get your information?
In the 1990's, Hillary Clinton, then First Lady, tried unsuccesfully to launch Nation Health Care. It was not recieved warmly to say the least. Every foyur years, both the republicans, and the Democrats both tout National Healthcare. This has been going on since I can remember. They all clamor for it, until they are elected, then they don't bring it up until the next Presidential Election. Why don't people get angry? I don't know. I'm angry, a friend of mine died last year because she didn't have enogh monet to treat her uterine cancer agressivly enough. Her doctor told me that her death could have been prevented. She lived in Florida, and she had a hard time getting decent medical care as she was pretty poor. If you want to know how much money that The American Medical Association and other nedical PAC's pay to politicians, go to opensercrets.org.
Sorry about the spelling on that last comment, I didn't use my eyeglasses.
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