Tuesday, August 29, 2006

What I've Noticed About South Carolina

LPASC: I’ve lived in South Carolina since April of this year. So far, I have my SC Drivers License, my voter registration, and I should be closing on my home early next year. I like South Carolina. I like the people here, and I absolutely love the scenery. One thing I have noticed is that there are flowering plants throughout the spring and summer. There has not been a day in which I have failed to see something blooming. Yes South Carolina is a wonderful place to live. The people are very friendly, and the weather is very mild. Right now, if I still lived in Florida, I would be boarding my windows in preparation for another hurricane. I’m really glad that I’m here.

The one thing that I find amusing and at the same time puzzling, is how many beat up cars, with blue collar workers inside, all dirty, with a bandana wrapped around their heads to keep the sweat off their eyes, driving around with a Bush sticker on their bumper. I knew that South Carolina is a “Red” state, mostly voting Republican, but what I didn’t really expect, was that hard working people that live from paycheck to paycheck, would be voting republican.

Call me a naive, and say that I just don’t know how things work, but I always thought that the republicans took care of the rich people. I know that in Broward County, and in Dade county Florida, and many places that I have lived in, where there was a large percentage of working class people like myself, almost all of the time, they voted democrat. I know for a fact that republicans don’t like unions, and 99% of the time they will stand up for corporations, and not the worker, so what gives in South Carolina? Do your republican elected officials stand up for the working class families here, or do they cater to the rich and powerful like they do in other places? Somehow, I think that the republican’s have got the people buffaloed around here. I really doubt that they are any different here than they are anywhere else.

If I could, I would like to explain something about the republican’s. They like to portray liberals as soft on defense and as people that run away from a fight. They have been pretty successful with this in other places. Don’t believe it. Just because liberals are slower to use force, doesn’t mean that when we use it, that we don’t use it well. Teddy Roosevelt, a great liberal President from the 19th Century, said “Walk softly, but carry a big stick”. That is good advice. To go flying into combat at the drop of a hat, ill-prepared, and not willing to go the distance, is what republicans have been famous for since they first became a political party. The republican’s were the party of Abraham Lincoln. When Lincoln started the civil war, he was a lot like most republicans of today. He really didn’t expect any resistance from the Confederate States, and when he got it, he almost lost the war. We see that with President Bush. He thought that the war in Iraq would be a cakewalk. He was sure surprised. His own Generals told him to go big or stay at home. He didn’t listen. He still won’t. We need more troops, and better armed troops if we intend to get the terrorists out of Iraq, and bring peace to that region.

We should have understood what Teddy Roosevelt meant by “walking softly and carrying a big stick.” Instead we crowed loudly and didn’t go in there to win. After all this time, we are no better off than we were at the beginning. Instead of Hussein, who didn’t like Osama Bin Laden either, we have thousands of terrorists that left Afghanistan, and went to Iraq. When will we correct this mistake? I believe that when we vote democrat, we will change things.

Well anyway, I’m glad to be here, and you’ll be hearing more from me and others from the liberal side.

Take Care,


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